Customers may be experiencing a disruption to their Chef services

Incident Report for Chef


We've received independent verification from customers that remediation steps have resolved the issue for their use case(s) and are calling this incident resolved. Please reach out to Chef Support if you experience further problems.

The affected gems (chef-sugar, chef-api, stove) have been restored to the site under their original namespaces.
Posted Sep 20, 2019 - 09:09 PDT


We have identified a fix and released new versions of relevant cookbooks and libraries. Remediation steps will be shared to customers via our customer success teams.
Posted Sep 19, 2019 - 18:08 PDT


We will shortly have remediation steps for repairing environments affected by this issue.
Posted Sep 19, 2019 - 13:51 PDT


We have isolated the issue to be failures in Chef client runs whose cookbooks rely on libraries which are not currently available. Mirrors that sync these libraries will also encounter issues. These issues do not impact customer data, privacy or data integrity.

We are working to resolve these issues ASAP and will provide a further update shortly.
Posted Sep 19, 2019 - 12:48 PDT


Please note that some customers may be experiencing a disruption to their Chef services. We are actively investigating this issue and working on a resolution. We apologize for the disruption and will regularly update this page with a status and resolution timeline.
Posted Sep 19, 2019 - 09:00 PDT